Thursday, February 18, 2016

Vlog#27 Celebrating Valentines for 13 years | BeYouTyAndBeyond

Hey friends!
Happy Valentines Day!
I know this post was a little late for Valentines
but this vlog was actually filmed on Valentines Day.

Such a special day not just for couples but for those who are
happily living a single life as well.
Valentines can be celebrated in any different ways.
We can celebrate it not just with our Special Someone,
We also celebrate it with our Family and Friends.

Here's the Video

A little FYI, in Japan, it's the women who gives chocolate to men
Feels a little odd right...hehe
That is how they do it here.
But, on March 14, it's the men's turn to give cookies to the women.
Why cookie? I don't know either
And if you receive chocolate on Valentines,
You are obligated to give back on White Day,
which is March 14

Some men would rather not want to receive on Valentines
since there are few men compared to women.
Which means, on White Day (March 14)
They need to spend a lot to buy cookies to give back
to each women that gave them chocolates on Valentines Day.
Interesting, right?

Hope you enjoyed this post

I'll see you in my next one

Love you all

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