Thursday, December 17, 2015

Vlog #24 New Face On My Vlog | BeYouTyAndBeyond

Hi friends!
It's almost Christmas!  
I can't believe that it's already Mid December and it just a week away before Christmas Day!
It just felt so weird since it's Mid-December and the first snowfall hasn't happening yet
I have a mixed emotion towards it though, 
Happy and Worried
Happy, because I don't like snow 
Worried, because there might be some serious problem going on with Nature
But non the less, 
Let's just all be Happy because it's Christmas!
It's the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ

Here's the Video

Hope you enjoyed this weeks Vlog

Even with everything that's been going on
Bad or Good
I'm still thankful to the Lord

Enjoy your day guys

Always remember to
Be Nice, Be Kind and Keep that Smile

Hope to see you in my next post

Love you all

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