Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vlog #3 Golden Week Yasumi | BeYouTyAndBeyond

Hi friends!

We are having a week-long Holiday here in Japan.  And it seems anywhere you go, it's always packed with a lot of people.  It just feels a little weird because usually it's always like a ghost town here...hehe...or maybe I'm just not getting used on such crowds.  But anyways, this just happens twice a year.  Golden Week and Ubong Yasumi.  Don't ask me what are these Holidays for because I don't know either...haha...

But with all these chaos and crowdedness, if there is such word as crowdedness, still it's nice to see a lot of people atleast it not as lonely as it's always been.  

Plus, the weather is so lovely that you just want to stay outdoors all the time.  I miss the sun so so much ^_^

So, here's the  video.  I want to share to you what did I do on my Golden Week Yasumi (Holiday)

Here's the Video


I hope you had a wonderful day today!  
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog.
Hope to see you next time ^_^
Happy Reading!

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